The age-old question with over a billion answers from everyone including friends, parents, grandparents, bartenders, teachers, and even the guy sitting at the table across the coffee shop who just happened to be listening in on your quest for advice.
So who has the answer, is it the experienced? The good-looking? The passive observers? Even... your parents? The answer is doubtful that any of these sources can provide you with truly useful advice. It is not for lack of trying, it is simply that the strategy of one, rarely works for another.
So if this is true, how do you get any advice?
The answer is simple, go to multiple sources and look for the commonalities. I know, I know, this takes a lot of time, time you are not willing to spend. After all, you want to meet girls now, right?
Fair enough!
That is why I have created this quick guide to meeting the girl of your dreams.
The IceBreaker Strategy
Finding a girl that you are interested is rarely ever the problem, so I will assume that you already have a girl in mind.
The first step is simply getting a dialogue going. Whether you are at school, work, the bar, an amusement park, or even just for a walk down the street, you need to start by talking. The key to this is finding something that you can be both mutually interested in. Take a moment and look at what she is doing. Is she dancing, walking her dog, playing drums with her pencil - look for clues that will let you know what she likes and most importantly, dislikes.
When you approach her, be honest and genuinely interested in the conversation starter that you are just about to begin. If you notice she has a dog, ask her genuinely, "what kind of dog is that?" If she is dancing, ask her genuinely, "would you care to dance?" (And don't immediately try to perv and grind all over her - show respect!). If she is tapping a beat, ask genuinely, "Is that the Black Eyed Peas?" - She will love it! Or at least you can get her laughing.
Oh, and I almost forgot, be sure to look her in the eyes when you talk to her. Hold your head up high, don't slouch, and smile. Don't appear stiff, don't gawk, and don't smile in a creepy way, just be yourself (your confident self). Girls are impressed by confidence (not to be confused with cockiness) more so than any other attribute of the male species.
Thie next step is getting her to laugh, even if it is at your expense (BUT not TOO MUCH - don't become a clown). If she is laughing at your jokes, you know that she is at least somewhat interested.
There you have it my friends! No great secret, no fancy pick up lines, just a straight and simple strategy. One that I have used successfully for over 10 years. The key is adapting to the situation, the surroundings, and showing a genuine interest in the girl you are talking to. The reason it works so well, is that girls are not used to be seriously listened to by the guys who hit on them (the guys usually start by talking about themselves). If you start off by talking about her, she will be blown away!
The Ice Breaker Stratgey gives you the key to starting dialogue. I will provide a follow up article on the keys to keeping her interested once she shows she is interested (which can be the most challenging part and the part most guys tend to screw up on). But for now, just try the Ice Breaker Strategy and see how you go.
Remember, be genuine, show respect and understanding, and be the type of guy that a girl like her would want to waste her time chatting with. Treat females well, and the results will be absolutely stunning.
- Safe dating my friends!

I tried it out. It works. Seems simple, but it really works! Thanks!