So you are having a chat with an extremely good-looking girl, and uncontrollably your eyes begin to wonder from her forehead, to her nose, to her lips, to her chin, to her neck, and then doooowwwn, to the one zone that is always on display but guys are not supposed to stare at!
A zone so magnificent that it makes every red-blooded male's pulse race and palms go sweaty. The one area that the male species does not have (or shouldn't have) but wants to enjoy over and over again, uncontrollably.
Ok, so enough beating around the bush (ha ha, no pun intended) we are talking about the breasts.
The absolute worst thing you can do on a date is spend the whole evening staring at her chest, but is this even possible? I doubt it! It is like the Kobayashi Maru (geeky Star Trek reference) a test that cannot be beat, a no win scenario.
When women dress for a date, they want to look sexy; they want guys to look at them with desire. Heck, men do that to, with varying degrees of success. But when a woman shows up for a date in a low cut dress, and everything pushed up to sit front and center, it is simply to hard (get your head out of the gutter) to not stare in admiration.
So is it ok?
I have no idea, but I suspect it is.
I find that women tend to get mad when you talk to their chest all evening, yet it doesn't seem to stop them from wearing a low-cut dress on the next date you go on. If it really was a problem, I think that you would see more girls wearing turtlenecks, but you don't. I have also found that some women get insulted if you don’t (at least at some point) stare at their chest. Sounds crazy, but as long as you do not stare in a creepy kind of way, it can be quite flattering to some women.
So, what to do about this seemingly unbeatable test of will and mental toughness? Take your peaks at strategic points throughout the date, such as when she is talking to the waiter, digging in her purse, sending a text, or when you are helping her put on her coat. Then, every now and again let her catch you doing it, and allow yourself to get embarrassed, even give a sheepish smile. This lets her know that you are not a creepy guy, just an admirer of her god given talents.
- Happy dating my friends!

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