Do you even need to ask?
Ok then, here it is!
The Top 10 worst things you can do on a first date.
10. Talk about how much your date reminds you of your ex.
9. Stop halfway through the date and call home to ask your parents if you can stay out past your bedtime.
8. Ask your date if they think 5 kids is too many, or if 4 would be enough to keep you both happy.
7. Fart moments before you get in the car (believe me, it does not air out properly before you get in!).
6. Flirt with the waitsatff in hopes that you will appear more desirable.
5. Eat spicy food (refer to #7).
4. Ask if your hands look fat in this outfit.
3. Admit that you are a bit of a puker when you drink, and then proceed to get totally wasted.
2. Lick the other person's ear when they are not looking (don't ask, all I can tell you is that this doesn't end well).
1. End the date by asking for their best friend's phone number.
Try a few if you don't believe me, and let me know how it goes :)
- Happy dating everbody!

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