Has chivalry completely died in the modern world? Are there any true gentleman left, and if there so, will the feminists eventually wipe them all out? These questions, and others like then were the general discussion topic at a recent dinner party that I attended.
So what conclusion did we come to?
Actually, we didn’t. It seems that no one is quite sure what to do anymore. The men were unsure whether bringing flowers on a first date seemed needy, or if opening the door would be met with outright objection. The girls were equally unsure whether flowers are even necessary, and whether a man opening the door meant he was trying to assert his dominance and control over the ‘weaker’ sex.
It is interesting, because the whole ‘opening the door’ courtesy originated in Western Europe in the 1200’s, when castles were built with large, heavy oak doors. The reality was, many women were too weak to open these massive doors on their own – they required help, and the tradition continued for nearly 800 years. That was until the feminists got hold of it. The feminists saw this as a way of a man asserting his dominance and control, and encouraged women to open their own doors. This left many women and men questioning the age-old tradition.
It was only a matter of time before chivalry began to erode into a thing of the past. Women wanted to open their own doors, and men became too lazy or unwilling to even offer. Dating as we know it, has lost all the simple traditions that once made it an incredibly special experience. Shame on us all.
The reality is, the simple social courtesies such as bringing flowers, opening doors, and pulling chairs make most women feel special. It also allows a man to take the time and think about someone else for a change. Placing a women on a pedestal for one night is a simple way of saying: I respect you, I want to be with you, and I care. What is so wrong with that?
Men and women do deserve equal rights, but this shouldn’t be an excuse to take away the traditions that make our social interactions unique. I believe that men and women should have very unequal, but socially courteous traditions. Women shave their legs, men bring flowers; simple things that just say, “Hey, I value the date that we are on”.
Stop burning bras, bring back the chivalry, reignite the romance, and start treating your date like they are someone important. This is the key to a life of happiness.
-Safe dating my friends!

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