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Home » » Jessica Simpson / John Mayer Breakup is Normal

Jessica Simpson / John Mayer Breakup is Normal

This sounds crazy, I know. But the one thing that most people seem to forget is that these two are young, attractive, egotistical, and most importantly, CELEBRITIES. Yes, celebrities. Absolutely every word that comes out of their mouths will be filmed, recorded, transcribed and broadcast all over the world within seconds of having said it.

So why does this matter? How does this make their breakup normal? Consider the last relationship that you ended, or the last time you were dumped. At some point you likely said something that you didn't mean about the other person. If they broke up with you in a horrible way, you probably said cruel things about them; maybe even spread some rumors.

Granted, when John Mayer told Playboy Magazine that Jessica Simpson was like a drug, stating, ""Drugs aren't good for you if you do lots of them. Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy. That's all I'll say." this may have been going a little bit overboard. But it is a bit of a compliment, don't you think?

Jessica decided to take the high road, saying, "I don't resent him. I'm just gonna let that go." adding that she hopes John "gets his life together." Ummm...ok... seems odd coming from Jessica Simpson’s mouth, but I will leave that for you to decide.

Never the less, this is a totally normal reaction to a breakup, a PR nightmare for their agents, but normal for the two people who split and want to hurt one another.

Is it healthy behavior? Maybe not. However, the reality is that you have also done similar things, and if there was a media outlet who actually cared enough to pay for your story, you would likely hand it over, without question.

No, of course you think that you wouldn't right now. But right now you are "rationally" judging the behavior of someone else. You are not feeling hurt, depressed, irrational, and unpredictable - all feelings experienced in the days and even weeks after a breakup. If you were, you might actually sympathize with the reactions of two people who are reacting to their own churning feelings of sadness and hurt over the ended relationship.

We all cope in different ways. Breakups suck, and for emotionally charged artists, it can be even worse. The same passion that brings life to their music, is the same passion that can drive them into a deep pit of depression and remorse.

I remember once, shortly after a breakup, I was so confused, overtired, emotional, and irrational, that I actually stopped a stranger in the street to talk about the recent split with my ex. The stranger was very obliging as I spouted the most random things about my former relationship – I simply needed an outlet, someone to talk to. Had I been a celebrity, this would have made front-page headlines. They likely would have said that I had mental problems and should be committed. The reality was, I just needed to go through my paces.

We all do crazy things to cope with breakups. IT IS NORMAL!

Next time you decide to judge, take a moment and ask yourself how many times you spread a rumor, told a lie, said hurtful things, or did some other crazy action to hurt your ex. Then consider what it would be like if the whole world was watching, amplifying, and criticizing….

-Safe dating my friends


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