A recent survey has found that a rising number of people are using text messages to cheat on their partners. With simple phrases like, “I am thinking of you” “What are you wearing” and “I want you so bad right now”, texting has taken on a completely new level of sexual excitement. Gone are the days of the late night drunken phone calls; replaced only by the Dexters and Chexters of the modern world.
Chexting (cheating via text message), and Dexting (texting while drinking) are the new short hand that spell out trouble. Why trouble you ask? The answer is simple: because it is so damn easy to do, and so damn easy to get away with!
Most cell plans include unlimited texts, it takes only a few seconds to fire off a few seductive words and best of all, you can do it right in the middle of the bar! Phone call cheating used to require careful planning, organization, and a series of ring codes in order to pull it off successfully.
Chexting on the other hand, requires a few slight finger taps under the table, in the bathroom stall, or even right there in the middle of the dance floor. Boom! The text is sent, and the evidence carefully deleted. Set the phone to silent, and you can read the reply at anytime, without anyone ever noticing.
Consider the last time you where out with your friends, or even partner; how many times did they look at their phone? I am guessing that it was at least 20. Did you ever wonder if when they say they were chatting with a friend, it was actually some secret fling? The point is they can tell you it is anyone, and provided they take a bit of care to delete outgoing and incoming messages, you would never be the wiser.
Now bring in the Dexting. Introducing alcohol into any scenario always leads people into making bad decisions. How many late night texts have you received from someone telling you that they think you are “hot” or want to “hook up”. I am betting that they where drunk, horny, and liberated by the drunken courage of Dexting.
To be fair, I have done my fair share of Dexting, and made my fair share of apologies the next morning. Most of it harmless, most of it simple spewing from the drunken tongue. But what happens when the Dexting turns to Chexting? Now we have a problem.
The problem is not so much that you are cheating on your partner. In my opinion, if you are going to cheat, you will do it with or without a cell phone at hand. The cell phone just makes it more convenient. The problem is that cell phones have trace evidence that many people seem to forget. The OUTBOX! Chexters always seem to remember to delete their inbox, but always neglect to delete the outbox. A suspicious partner need only take a moment while you are in the shower to scan through the outbox for unusual numbers, or lengthy messages, and BAM! Busted! Game Over!
The short summary here, stop Chexting while you are Dexting!
I don’t know. It seems to me that most people secretly want to be caught. They likely can’t live with guilt of a Chexting affair. It is probably best for the boyfriend/girlfriend of the Chexter as well. Finding out that your partner is cheating sucks, but better to find out sooner than later.
The reality is, that life always comes full circle. So whether you are the Chexter, Dexter, Chextie, Dextie, or Chex-dumped, you will get from life what you are willing to put in. That I can guarantee.
Until next time - Safe dating my friends!

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