Believe me, it is a lot tougher than it sounds. As we approach the end of the ultra-women's liberation era, men find themselves wondering, "What the hell do I do now?" Is it ok to open the door for your date, or will she think that it is sexist and dominating? Should men still pick up the check, or is it all Dutch style now? If I bring her flowers, will she think that I am too needy and soft?
Questions like these and others like them will finally be answered here!
The Simple Gestures
Being a man on a first date takes more than simple gestures, it takes a whole new way of looking at things. Yes, you should still open doors, bring flowers, pull chairs, and walk your date to the door at the end of the night. Forget the fear of Women's Lib and do it anyway! These are the beautiful gestures that make our society such a great place to live.
If I go out on one more date a see a guy letting the door hit his girlfriend in the face as he rudely walks in ahead of her, I am going to flip out. This is not okay, this is not cool. I do not care what kind of modern world we live in, chivalry should never die!
On to other things.
Active Listening
The next step to being a man is taking the time to listen to what your date has to say. Active listening is the key to showing her that you appreciate what she has to say, that you respect her as a person, and that there is no other place in the entire world that you would rather be. Men of the past were self-indulgent egomaniacs; men of the future are more than willing to share the spotlight and much of the attention with their date. Trust me guys, this will be the new competitive advantage.
Stepping Up
When you are out on a date, take the time to make sure your girl has everything she needs. If the food comes out wrong, take control of the situation and sort it out for her. If it is raining outside, take off your jacket and help cover the expensive hairdo she went to all the trouble of getting just for that date. Step up, be a man, and show your date that you care about her wellbeing. There might be some girls who will see this as domineering, but the reality is, it is these simple actions that make the world of a difference.
Pick Up the Check
I know that going Dutch is what everyone is doing these days, but it is stupid! I am not sure what else to say. If you ask a girl out on a date, pay for the freakin meal guys! Don’t be so friggin cheap, and don’t give me lame excuses like, “I was short on cash” or “She wouldn’t let me pay” or “She asked me out, so she should pay”. I have heard them all, and it is a big load of crap.
Being a man means showing your date that you care enough to pick up the $50 tab. Being a man means working a little bit harder in order to make sure that your date does not need to pull out her purse to help you cover the remaining $5. It is this tiny little gesture that shows your date that you care, and that you value the fact that she has offered to spend a Friday night alone with you.
I could go on forever about what it takes to be a man, but I think I have given most of you a good starting point. From what I have seen, just attempting these few steps will be a challenge for most men out there. However, I believe there is hope for my gender, and I believe that together we can stand up and make the dating world a much better place.
Let me know your thoughts.
-Safe dating everyone!

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