You wouldn’t think that this is rocket science, but if there is anything that Blind Date, or a recent episode of The Millionaire Matchmaker has taught me, is that most guys, and even some girls just don’t get it. Never fear, Date Me Dammit! To the rescue with some proper dating and relationship advice.
If you are on a first or second date, and things seem to be going well, you will likely ask yourself, “When is a good time to lean in for a kiss?” at some point, right? Of course you will! Nothing would end the date better than landing a smooch from that hottie across the table. But you have to time it right!
First off, don’t get too overzealous. Let the date progress in its own way. Don’t start prodding and probing your date about whether they like you or not. This may seem like the safe play, but the reality is that it makes you look needy and desperate. Relax, breathe, and try to get a vibe for how well you feel things are going.
If you have established that there is a little bit of chemistry going on, then begin to lean toward your date during conversation. If you are out to dinner lean forward on the table, if you are in a club, lean in pretending that you are having trouble hearing. Do whatever you have to do to position your bodies closer together. This is extremely important for getting an understanding of your date’s body language.
Once you are in close proximity, begin observing the body language of your date. Are they moving away from you as soon as they have said what they wanted to say, or are they staying in close during conversation. Do they have their arms crossed, or are they open and receptive to you as you speak. Does your date look into your eyes, or are they always looking around the room. Read the clues people! Get past your own ego and read the clues! Your date’s body language can tell you everything!
Do not lean in for a kiss unless your lips are a minimum of 2 feet away from each other at the time of approach! I have seen some people try to get the first date kiss from across the table, when their date is fully leaning back in their own chair. What ends up happening is that the one person leans all the way in, while the other remains seated back. There is no way to pretend you had any other intention than going for a kiss, and when the other person rejects you, you are left looking ridiculous and embarrassed.
If they are being very receptive and open during conversation - whether it be at the club, pub restaurant, car, movies, or even the front door at the end of the date - then you may have a shot. This is the time to make your move. Wait for that moment when you feel the electricity between your bodies build, and lean in ever so slightly. Pause to see if your date is doing the same, if not you still have a chance to make it look like you swayed forward a little off balance. Master the recovery, and you can save face.
If your date is also beginning to lean in, then this is the moment to go for it! This is the point of no return. Lean in and softly press your lips against your date’s. Don’t drive straight for the tungue, make it sweet and sensual. Follow the advice of the eternal date doctor “Hitch” and remember that 80% of people will judge the likelihood of a successful relationship by the feeling they get during the first kiss. Don’t muck it up! And don’t get all slobbery and toungy!
A first kiss is all about feeling, not ego. If you want your ego stroked, you will think everyone wants to kiss you. The result is a lot of bruised ego! If you want a real moment under the stars, wait for the feeling, wait for the moment, wait for the sensual lust, and the rest will follow.
-Safe dating!

You can't just say oh this is a good time..... you just know... its that weird chemistry thing that happens, when at some point you know, I wanna kiss you right now, it just has to be mutual! that's when it gets complicated.
When is the right time to kiss a girl? if this question hits your mind, then its time for you to learn the signs to initiate the first kiss. You have to look for certain signs of your girl before you kiss her. These signs will help you to go ahead and give the first kiss.