In a recent survey conducted by Weddingbells magazine, it was found that 90% of women believe that it is okay to have sex before marriage. Leaving only the most devout Catholics, Mormons, and safe sex extremists touting the word abstinence.
While this may not appear to be a significant finding, it challenges the long held ideals that sex before marriage is somehow sinful and morally wrong. It is this reporter’s opinion that a new liberation of sex and love will cut psychiatric bills in half, as people are finally able to express openly what they have been expressing privately for years. Sex is good, sex is great, sex is fun!
Agreeably the issue of sex should never be taken lightly, and the risk of pregnancy is always going to be an overriding factor, however the reality is that women and sex are liberated. And it is about damn time!

Is this article and survey really creditable when they can't even spell marriage correctly in the title?!
ah, yes, the reference is to my misspelling of marriage. Thank you for pointing that out.
I get the sense that it is not just the spelling that is bugging you about this article. What's on your mind anonymous?
I’ve heard from many people that they will not marry a woman without having sex first with her, I guess to know if she’s any good and men aren’t the only one guilty of saying this too, but like I’ve said before this is the way we’ve chosen to live our lives that has worked for us. We find that putting God as the center and forefront of our relationship has allowed it to grow in ways we’ve never imagined, so yes the temptation is there but what’s more important to us than that is our relationship with God. Now we know people will have their opinions and their own convictions, but all I know is that this is what has worked for us and God willing will continue to work for us until we say “I do”.
Very fair comment. Well thought out.
We love it!