Has this ever happened to you? You are out on a date, and half way through, you bump into a friend, and when you go to introduce them, you realize that you have completely forgot your date's name.
So maybe this has not happened to you, but it happens to me all the time! I know, pathetic! More than once I have had a girl walk out half way through because she realizes that I have no idea who she is.
So what the heck do you do about it?
To avoid this problem, I came up with a 5 simple techniques to help find out my date's name. They are not perfect, but I scraped through more than a few sticky situations with at least one, if not all of them in hand.
The 5 techniques for remembering your dates name:
1. If I am half way through a date and I realize that I have no idea what the girl's name is, I make sure to maintain eye contact during most of the date. As long as we are looking at each other, I do not have to say her name to get her attention.
2. If I do not have her phone number programmed in my phone, I will ask her to enter her details for me. I claim that it is a new phone, and that it drives me nuts everytime I try to enter information. I tell her that maybe she will have better luck than me. It always works! And bingo, I have her number stored for future reference!
3. If I do bump into a friend, I make sure to drop the secret password. "Hey [friend’s name] how was the game today?" Translation "I have no idea what my dates name is, so introduce yourself". My friend will immediately introduce him/herself so that I don't have to, and in doing so, my date will also introduce herself. Problem solved!
4. Another (more risky method) is to talk about nicknames people used to give you as a kid, in hopes of revealing their true name. You may have seen this technique used on a Seinfeld episode where Jerry has forgotten his date’s name. She tells him that her name rhymes with a sexual part of the body, leaving Jerry with only one name that he can think of - Mulva. Her name is actually Deloris. I have only been able to pull this trick off once, and I would recommend not trying it unless you are absolutely stuck.
5. The final method is the most risky, but also offers the greatest chance of getting the name correct. Ready for it!? ... Simply admit that you forgot. I have only been slapped once for this, twice the girl was okay, and five times I pretty much got the hint that the date was over. Although, with a little more wine, and a little more sweet-talk, I was able to save the evening.
Hopefully you don't find yourself in this situation too many times. But if you do, remember these 5 techniques for remembering your dates name, and keep a right hand ready to block a slap if unsuccessful.
- Happy dating everyone!

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