- Excuse me, but do you give head to strangers? ... No? Well in that case let me introduce myself.
- If I sleep on the wetspot, will you come home with me tonight?
- My friends left me by myself, can I come home with you?
- If you're going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep in until the afternoon.
- Most people are watching the Vancouver Olympics, but I'd rather talk to you cause the chance of meeting someone so special only happens once in a lifetime.
- Hi, my name is Doug. That's "god" spelled backwards with a little bit of you wrapped up in it.
- I never thought I could love to look at someone as much as I love to look at myself! Well done!
- I have rediculously large feet... enough said?
- My place or yours?
- Hi there, my name is John, I would like to welcome you to the first day of the rest fo your life.

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