This is definitely one of the most debated subjects in the history of dating. How soon is too soon to call after a date!? The fear is that if you call too soon, you might appear desperate, and if you wait too ling you may appear not interested. So how do you know what is an appropriate period of time? I have created a simple formula for calculating the amount of time to wat. Follow it and you will never have to ponder this age-old question again.
The After-Date-Call-Wait-Time Formula is extremely scientific so be sure to accurately consider all variables before applying to your circumstance. The formula relies on 5 variables: length of time since last serious relationship, your gender, length of the date, how the date ended, future expectations.
Standard 12 hours + LR + G + LD + DE + FE = T (hrs) Amount of time in hours until first phone call after the first date.
Please note: This formula is obviously for the daters who want to pursue a relationship. For those in the category of one-night-stand, just smile and move on. No call necessary!
Length of time since last serious relationship (LR)
A common mistake people make right after a relationship has ended, is to jump right back into another one. This is of course a huge mistake! So how does this affect the formula?
Less than 1 month since last relationship = 12
Less than 3 months = 6
Less than 6 months = 3
6 months+ = 0
Your gender (G)
It makes a difference! Guys who call too soon appear needy, and girls who call too soon appear demanding. However, when it comes to the possibility of getting laid, guys are much more forgiving. Therefore, we assign different values.
If you are a Dude = 12
If you are a Chick = 6
Length of the date (LD)
This is an important aspect to consider, because the length of a first date will often indicate how interested either of the parties are. You may have an excuse for why the first date was shorter than usual, but it is just that, an EXCUSE.
1-2 hours = 24
2-3 hours = 12
3-4 hours = 6
4-5 hours = 3
5 hours+ = 0
How the date ended (DE)
Could there be a better indicator of call wait time? Nough said!
Handshake = 24
Hug = 12
Kiss = 6
Sex = 0
Future expectations (FE)
This is the most important factor because it really depends on what you are hoping to achieve by following up the date with a phone call.
Dunno yet, just gonna see how it goes = 24
I like him/her, and will likely ask them out again = 12
Looking for something casual, but comitted = 6
Thinking that this could be the one = 0
Now all you have to do is plug your results into the formula (be sure to include the 'Standard 12 hours' wait time) and see what number you get. This number equals total hours that you should wait before calling.
If you get a number higher than 36, just move on, this is not the guy/girl for you.
If you get a number closer to 18, you may very well have found someone you will spend some serious time with..
There we go, the age-old question of when is too soon to call has been sorted.
Happy dating!

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