Most people will go through a variety of breakups throughout the course of their lives. Some are easy to get over, some are easy to get under, and others seem to destroy the very fabric of your being.
So why do relationships even have to end? You probably thought it was going pretty well, right? WRONG!
The reality is, that if the relationship ended, somebody did something wrong. Unintentionally or not, a relationship ends when one or more persons decides that you are simply no longer a match.
It may not be your fault, or it actually could be your fault. The only way to truly know is by scanning through this list to see if you did any one or more of the following things. If so, you may want to reconsider your strategy in the next relationship.
If you don't fall in any of the following Top 10's, then hey, you are probably not the reason. And when they gave you the classic, "it's not you, it's me." they may have actually meant it.
The Top 10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail
#10. You were caught cheating
#9. You call every night to make sure your lover made it home safe. (If you are thinking, "what's wrong with that?" you might as well stop reading now)
#8. After only a couple months of dating, you started farting under the covers
#7. Your best friend always hangs out with both of you, even on Friday nights. (Friday is DATE night people! Not, hang with your best friend who you feel sorry for because thay don't have anyone.)
#6. You show up randomly at the other persons work saying that you wanted to surprise them. (The reality is that you were checking in to make sure there was no mid-day hanky panky going on)
#5. You forced the other person to go to your church every Sunday, even though they are not religious.
#4. You obsess about everything! (So not cool, and seriously annoying)
#3. You work more than 10 hours everyday, and even on weekends.
#2. You decided that sex is something that should be saved for special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas.
#1. By far the biggest reason why relationships fail. (Whether you want to hear it or not). You let yourself go. (Weight gain, hair where it shouldn't be, skipping showers etc. It all adds up people!)
Now that we have cleared that up, it is time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on to the next relationship (or possibly rebound). There are tons of single people out there, so enjoy yourself!
It will only be a matter of time before you wind up in a relationship all over again.
-Safe dating my friends!

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