For those of you daters out there, you will understand full well that there is nothing worse than getting stuck in a rut. It starts out with a couple of weekends home alone, followed by a couple of months since your last real flirtatious encounter, and then (god forbid) you notice it is getting close to a year since the last time you thought you had a shot at meeting up with someone attractive.
The worst part is that this becomes cyclical. The longer you go without a date, the harder it is to actually get a date! Why does this happen? What is it that makes you all of a sudden so undesirable?
The answer is that people want what they can't have, and once vou have been on the market for a significant period of time, you are no longer a hot commodity. The opposite sex can smell desperation, and you no longer seem desirable.
Then on the flip side, after you have gone months without a date, as soon as you finally meet someone you will all of a sudden become a hot commodity. Girls or guys begin flocking around you all at once. How frustrating is that!?
After years of battling through periods of high and low volume, I became determined to sort out a solution to balancing the flow of women in and out of my life. I did not want to end up in any of those deep ruts ever again.
Through a great deal of trial and error, the solution finally occurred to me. If I wanted to be desired by women, I had to desire myself. Sounds oddly self-indulgent doesn't it? I know, and when I explain this to my friends, they usually have a laugh and call me egotistical.
But that's ok! Because at the end of the day I have been able to stabilize and in many ways, increase my dating supply.
The reason this technique works so well is because with successful application, you will be able to alter your state of mind. Desiring yourself provides self-esteem, a boost in testosterone, a heightened sense of confidence, increased endorphins, and an ability to view the world through the eyes of someone with options, not someone facing sheer desperation.
Humans can smell desperation as easily as they can sense heightened levels of confidence, and clearly one is much sexier than the other.
So how do you go about desiring yourself?
It starts right from the moment you first wake up. As soon as you open your eyes you need to smile and think to yourself, "today is going to be a great day"
When you look in the mirror before your shower, you need to look at yourself and say, "damn, you look good today. Well done!"
When you dress, put on clothes that make you feel confident and secure.
When you walk down the street, hold your head up high and smile at the pretty girls/handsome guys who pass you in the street (you will be amazed at how many will smile back).
Talk clearly when you speak to people (don't mumble!).
And when you inevitably do get some bad news or get shot down for a date, let it roll off your back knowing full well that life always sorts it self out. You, and your dating life, will be fine.
Give it a try, an honest try, for at least a couple of weeks and let me know how it goes. I am positive you will notice a significant difference in how you feel, and in how dateable the opposite sex finds you to be.
- Happy dating my friends!

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