If someone cheats on you once, are they likely to cheat again? The answer to this is YES... well sort of. I will explain.
Both men and women associate relationships in one of two ways, monogamous or restricting. For some people, they like nothing more than the safety and security of a relationship; while for others it can feel like living in a jail cell.
Why the difference?
Scientists have been studying this for years, with no solid conclusions.
Sociologists will have you believe that it is a product of parenting, social media, and peer groups that ultimately determine your future disposition toward relationships.
Psychologists contend that it is differences in brain chemistry that alter your moods, feeling, and desires regarding commitment and relationships
Anthropologists often conclude that it is actually a product of thousands of years of evolution that lead men to want to bread with multiple women, in order to ensure their genetic survival. While the women want safety and security of a monogamous relationship to ensure the survival of their young. Although arguably just as many women cheat as do men.
Who is right?
Maybe all of them, maybe none. At the end of the day, it really doens't matter who is right, the reality is that cheating is a part of who we are. It is a part of our human culture. It always has been, and it likely always will be. The Greeks made no secret of their extramarital affairs, neither did the Romans, Persians, French Revolutionaries, or any other culturally significant group that you can think of. It is human to desire, and it is human to stray.
Does this make it OK?
Of course not! What it means is that we cannot deny that cheating exists, and we cannot deny that it is going to continue.
So who cheats?
Everyone cheats. Men, Women, Teens, the Elderly. Everyone is a potential perpetrator, everyone is a potential victim
Who are the most likely to cheat?
"Once a cheater, always a cheater" is a very true statement. The most likely person to cheat is someone who has cheated in the past. Tiger Woods, cheated with multiple women, Halle Berry's husband considers himself a sex addict. Jesse James left Sandra Bullock all alone a multimillion dollar mansion while he strutted around with trailer trash. These men, always beg forgiveness, but rarely ever change.
It is not only the men who cheat. Meg Ryan had an affair with Aussie Actor Russell Crowe. While Paula Yates cheated on Bob Geldof with INXS rocker Michael Hutchence.These women's much less known affairs, which are real none-the-less, will likely occur again in the future.
Once a cheater, always a cheater? Yes... well maybe.
Yes. For those who cheat more than once, the cycle will likely never be broken. It seems to have similar characteristics to addiction. For those who have only cheated once, there may not be a recurrence, but for that relationship, the trust has been permanently broken. The relationship will struggle to survive.
The best thing you can do for yourself, and for the relationship, is never cheat at all. If you do, the likelihood is that this "sneaky little thrill" will become a permanent part of your psyche, and something you will never be able to escape. Save yourself, and the feelings of the person you are with, and practice some self-control.
Once a cheater, twice a cheater, always a cheater. The patterns dictate that cheaters always lie (in bed with someone else). Good luck with your dating, and be sure to always value yourself above the cheating desires of someone else.

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