Here at DateMeDammit we think that online dating is the "lazy-dater's" way out. It takes minimal effort. You can lie about your age, you career, and your looks. And the reality is, it's just not near as fun as going out and meeting people in person.
But hey, who are we to judge? Over 10 million people hook-up on online dating sites in North America every year.
The best thing we can do for you is review the dating sites, and give our most "unbiased" opinion. Ok, to be fair, the opinion is going to be extremely biased, but at least it will be honest!
The 2010 Online Dating Website Review
Featured in this section are a few dating sites that you have likely never heard of. We thought you might be interested in hearing about something other than eHarmony.
The website is very well laid out, and offers paid members the opportunity to wink, email, or IM other members, which is kind of cool. The problem we have with is that they force you to sign up before offering any information about the site. There is no rates section, or even an about us section unless you enter your email address first. Let us know if you have some insider info to share about this site.
Friends Reunited Dating
If you are still day dreaming about that old fling from high school, or that girl from down the street, this may be the site for you. If you are just looking to hook-up, there are likely some better options out there.
At the end of the day, you can't go wrong trying a dating site that is free. If at any point they ask you for a payment, kindly remind them that they have offered a free service, and this would be in violation of their TOS. So for those hard up American's out there, you may want to give this one a try.
Yahoo! Personals
One bonus is that each online dater gets their own secure, anonymous, mailbox. This keeps your identity secret for online flirting, which can make the experience a little more comfortable. And as if you online daters could not get any lazier, they offer a matchmaking service that will hook you up with other singles that fit your personality type (based on a survey of information that you fill out in your profile). Welcome to carefree dating for "busy people".
The site is really poorly organized. Christian Cafe basically makes you sign up for their 10-day free trial, without any information on how the site or service works. They claim to have a large database of daters, but again this could not be verified. Proceed with caution, and be sure to opt out of payment before the 10 day free trial is up, if you do not like the service.
It is an interesting concept, and one that gets the heart racing and the cheeks flush just thinking about it. You have to decide what kind of dating you are interested in. It is no secret that affairs go on all the time; this is just another way of helping them happen. I imagine that a few of you will sign up just out of curiosity.
Anastasia Dating Service
Catholic Match
The bonus is that this site has been around for just over 10 years, so the database should have a strong base. Check it out if you are the Catholic type, and share the blessing with us here at DateMeDammit.
Be careful with this one, as we think that there are a lot of "bait" girls in the system to keep men interested. If you do happen to find a nice legitimate girl, then hey, all the power to you. The downfall is that they ask for a bunch of information without letting you do a tour of the site. If you do not mind signing up for a trial, then by all means, give it a go.
Have you tried one of these dating services? We would love to hear about your experience. Submit a review in the comments section below.

Not much of a review so much as a list. Trying to put the risk back on the reader for looking into these sites is really shameful.
Also you left out one of the best free sites: