I cannot tell you how many times I meet a womsn who asks me "How do I talk to men?" To be honest, I was always under the impression that women were cool, that they had it all under control. I had no idea that when a girl likes a guy, she feels just as useless as the rest of us.
This article, as you can see, is written from the male perspective. My goal is to share the secrets that men have (which isn’t very many) about the best way to let us know that you are interested. I have identified 5 secrets that women must know for approaching a guy. Although admittedly, I struggled to find 5.
Secret #1 – Guys Love Women
Guys are simple creatures. We are not overly complex, and our main mission in life is to meet women. Some scientists have argued that the male brain thinks of sex once every 8 seconds. I know some guys who would argue that it is far more.
Wait, this is no secret, everyone knows that! Yes, it is true, secret #1 is not a secret at all. So, why are you struggling to talk to that cute guy? If a man's main goal in life is to meet women, what in the world could you have to lose by talking to him? The reality is, even if the guy is not interested in you, he will be enormously flattered that you had the courage to approach him.
Secret #2 – Guys Love Confidence
Contrary to popular belief, guys love intelligent women. Approaching a guy with the confidence that says, “I am beautiful, I am intelligent, and I would like to share all that I have to offer with you” is the absolute best way to score a date with a guy.
Confidence is an addictive quality. Once you have been with someone with confidence, you can never go back. Unless you are one of those people with low self-esteem who relies on belittling others. But who wants to be with those people anyway? Let your confidence show through, and you will attract guys of an equal caliber.
Secret #3 – Guys Love Honesty
Approaching a guy may seem difficult and/or unnatural. There are not a lot of pick up lines out there for women to use. And unless you are planning on using a cheesy pick-up line as an ice breaker, to inject some humor, I wouldn’t even try.
Guys love honesty, and are attracted to honest women. If you want to know if a guy likes you, simply ask him. If you really like a guy, tell him. But don’t do this in front of his friends, at work, or at school. Do it somewhere when you are alone, together. And if it is at a bar, try to get the guy alone by the bar or on the dance floor. He will be shocked by the honesty, and turned on by the bravery.
Secret #4 – Guys Love Technology
Guys have always loved video games and computers. They will spend hours with their friends playing online, and there are even Blackberry support groups for the girlfriends and wives of men who own the addictive little device.
Why not use the technology to your advantage? If you are interested in a guy, text him! It is a modern world, and getting a guy's attention often requires more than a low-cut dress. Sending him a text to let him know that you are interested can be just the key to grabbing his attention, plus it makes it much easier for the shy ladies out there.
The key to success with this is again, be honest! Do not play crazy phone flirty games, in an attempt to keep him interested by keeping him guessing. Just be straight up and honest about how you feel. That way, he won’t get bored, and wont move on to the next text that is coming through.
Secret #5 – Guys Do not Like Perfume
Ok, I know that men are the major perpetrators of cologne abuse. But I declare that AXE commercials made us do it! What is your excuse?
To be fair, most colognes and perfumes do smell good, but unfortunately, most people who wear them do not understand the limits of normal use. There is nothing worse than a girl who comes to chat, and you find yourself choking and your nose burning.
My advice is to have a shower, and use a scented body wash. This is the perfect amount of scent to attract that guy you desire, and not so much that you will send him running for the hills.
Happy Dating!

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