It is no secret, men and women are different. We act different, talk different, and best of all look different. But until now, most of these difference have just been what we observe, with no real statistically validity.
That is until DatemeDammit! did some digging and found the hard science to prove our claims. Men are different than women! Check it out...
Women talk almost 3 times as much as men according to a book by Psychologist Dr. Luan Brizendine, who found that women speak roughly 20,000 words per day while men speak on average only 7,000. Is this really a big surprise?
Men go dumb when in the presence of attractive women, according to Psychologists at Radboud University in The Netherlands. The researchers believe this is because men use an excessive amount of brain functioning trying to impress beautiful women, which means they have little left for other tasks. Women on the other hand, do not experience the same mind numbing reaction in the presence of handsome men.
Women experience more pleasure from men with big wallets, according to Dr. Thomas Pollet, a Newcastle University Psychologist. His research has found that the wealthier the man, the more frequently his partner will have orgasms. Men had a similar reaction to size, but it had nothing to do with a woman's purse.
Men find women’s voices more complex and difficult to understand report researchers at Sheffield University in Northern England. Due to differences in the size and shape of the vocal cords and larynx between men and women, and also due to a greater natural 'melody' in women’s voices, men struggle to process the female tone and interpret what is being said. So when a man says he didn’t hear you, he may likely be telling the truth! Either that, or he couldn't possibly process the nearly 20,000 words his partner spoke that day.

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