Women, ever wonder why men just don’t seem to get it? Men, ever wonder why women always tell you they don’t get it? Well it turns out men and women really are from two different planets, and they speak a completely different language! Take the following translation errors:
Female: opening up emotionally
completely and fully
Male: Playing Ice Hockey without a helmet
Female: a foreseeable future of marriage and children
Male: not trying to pick up a women while out with one’s girlfriend
Female: the sharing of one’s thoughts and emotions
Male: Calling at 3am drunk to say you have just made it to Vegas with your buddies
Female: A disgusting by-product of digestion.
Male: an endless source of entertainment, self-expression, and male bonding.
Remote Control:
Female: A device to change the TV channel from one to another
Male: a device for scanning through ALL channels every two minutes.

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